Clean Eatz Foundation Set to Freeze Out Childhood Obesity
Aug 30, 2023All September: Proceeds from Newest Smoothie Go to Cause
Clean Eatz – one of the country's fastest-growing health food restaurant and online meal plan franchises – recently launched the CE Foundation, with a focus on combatting childhood obesity. The initiative is designed to raise awareness and money toward tackling the growing epidemic. To officially kick off efforts, all Clean Eatz cafes will feature a limited-time smoothie, Go Bananaz, with a portion of the proceeds during September going to the CE Foundation.
"We Change Livez. It's our rally cry," said Evonne Varady, Clean Eatz founder and co-owner. "This mission defines the people behind our brand to a core, and it's the energy that drives our entire franchise concept. More and more, we see a need to extend this focus to some of the youngest members of our CE communities – kids. That's why we're doing this."
Money raised through CE Foundation campaigns, like the Go Bananaz Smoothie Drive, is earmarked for positive impact. This includes funding children's tuition to wellness camps, spearheading scholarships for individuals entering the physical fitness fields, and more.
"We're excited to honor National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month with this inaugural campaign," Varady said. "For us, the smoothie drive is a fun way to get people engaged in a very serious topic – the wellbeing of our future generations. It's the beginning of a much larger discussion, one that we'll be helping drive through our Foundation in the coming years."
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