Clean Eatz Packs Healthy Lifestyle System into Single Box
Oct 1, 2023New 30-Day Reboot Kit Built to Kickstart Diet and Total Wellness
Clean Eatz’ newest product comes in response to a spike in customers seeking a simple, streamlined way to nutritionally get back on track, according to owners of the health food restaurant and online meal plan franchise.
“Some of us just want a tool we can turn to from time-to-time to quickly regain ground in our healthy lifestyle journeys,” said Evonne Varady, Clean Eatz founder and co-owner. “Others feel they’d like to make changes for the first time, but they’re just not sure how to begin…this was the inspiration behind creating our Reboot Kit.”
The Clean Eatz product development team spent the better part of two years defining the keys to some of their customers’ greatest dietary successes. Tapping into results from the brand’s annual WeChangeLivez Challenge (WCL), in which participants track their wellness efforts for the chance to win prizes, the Clean Eatz team noticed a few similarities.
“Every person who moved the needle over the last 5 years of WCL – and there have been a ton – had two things in common: They stuck to a defined, easy meal routine, and they committed to regular physical activity,” Varady said. “This was their lightening in a bottle, and we wanted to capture it in a single kit.”
After dialing in the right nutritional plan for a one-month supercharge, Clean Eatz worked with experts in the physical fitness space to map out other practices for an improved lifestyle shift.
“We knew the plans and nutritional tools in the Reboot Kit had to be sustainable for our fans to stay committed for 30 days,” Varady said. “No one has time for unrealistic diet fads. As long as it made sense, we included it as part of this lifestyle system.”
Specifically, each Reboot Kit comes with:
• A voucher for 30 days’ worth of Clean Eatz meals (15 meals a week for 4 weeks)
• 1 month’s supply of Clean Eatz Dessert Barz for snacks
• 1 weekly Clean Crust Pizza (throughout the Reboot month)
• 1 bottle of Shakez – Clean Eatz Protein Powder
• 1 bottle of SuperFoodz – Clean Eatz Supplement Powder
• The Official Reboot Lifestyle System Guide
• Reboot workout swag
The Reboot Kit retails for $499. It is available at all participating Clean Eatz cafes.
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